
Premium Pens

I added a new page to my website today, showing just the premium pens. These are pens that have a more expensive mechanism, a more expensive wood blank, or both. I need to charge a little more for these pens (generally about $5.00 more) to cover the extra costs of the materials. However, some of these are really nice pens. This page will have more pens over time.

One of the pens I made for the first time today is called a Vertex pen. This is a very nice, heavy pen, with a very solid and smooth click mechanism. It has a single piece of wood, so it shows off more of the grain and pattern of the wood. The clip and the point end are hexagonal, giving it an industrial feel. This is a great pen for guys. I’ll definitely be making more of these pens.

Another favorite is the slimline-pro gel click pen. This pen is significantly thicker than the standard slimline pen, making the name a bit of a misnomer. This is a slightly heavier, thicker pen, well suited for big hands. It has a very smooth click mechanism and comes standard with a gel ink cartridge.

An old stand-by is the Cuban (also called the Cigar) pen. This is the thickest, heaviest pen I’ve made. It has a very solid feel and a smooth twist mechanism. It uses the Parker refills, so it can be converted to a gel pen. I recently made one with a black & white ebony blank and it’s beautiful.

I bought a couple of other kits to experiment with, including the Euro and a Traditional fountain pen. I’ll post pictures when I finish them.

Selling Pens

Some people have asked if they can buy one of my pens and I finally decided to do something about it. However, I didn’t want to use one of the commercial sites like EBay or Etsy, so I set up this simple website on WordPress. It gives me the ability to publish pictures and other information about my pens. If people want to buy from me, I decided to use email, for the more personal touch.

As of today, my pen site is open for business. I hope you’ll take the time to write to me and let me know what you like. I can customize pens to match what you want. Just let me know. Everything is explained on the How to Buy a Pen page.

Welcome to Retirement

When I retired in February of 2017, I resolved to do a few things to fill my days:

  • Travel more
  • Read more books
  • Catch up on movies and TV shows
  • Exercise more
  • Start to play the piano again
  • Spend more time building K’Nex
  • Spend less time on the computer
  • Learn a new hobby

Well, some things worked out better than others. My newest hobby is making custom pens on the wood lathe. I am really, really having a great time.